Stylish - Custom themes for any website
Stylish - Custom themes for any website
Stylish70,000+ Benutzer
Stylish70,000+ Benutzer
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Enjoy over 500K custom website themes in just a click. Custom website themes that make the internet entirely yours ★ Explore the largest gallery of free website themes for websites like: Roblox, Youtube, Facebook, Google and more ★ Customize your favorite website backgrounds, color schemes, skins, social media pages, fonts, and even add animations ★ Quickly and easily disable, enable, edit or delete any installed style ★ Create and share your custom styles and custom themes with millions of people using the Stylish CSS editor. ★ Become a part of one of the largest creative communities on the planet ★ Trusted by over 3 million people already loving Stylish! ✍️Create your own custom themes If you know CSS, become a theme creator! Create and share awesome custom themes and styles for any website of your choice. With the Stylish extension you can create unique and personalized themes for your favorite websites like, Discord, YouTube, Whatsapp, Pinterest and so much more! 🚨Important notes🚨 ★ We care about your privacy it’s important for us that you understand our data practices: Stylish provides you with suggestions and access to relevant styles for pages you visit, as well as the number of times each style has been installed. To enable this service, we collect anonymous browsing data as described in our privacy policy, including: All Host, tabs, webNavigation, webRequest, context Menus, and storage. The collected data is not used to identify individual users, and you can always turn this automatic data collection off on the add-on option page. ★ Currently, Global themes are not supported in the ‘Style Library’ tab. You can reach them through the Website Library.
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