Snakes by Bluemods
Snakes by Bluemods
BlueMods4,000+명의 사용자
BlueMods4,000+명의 사용자
이 확장은 브라우저 버전과 호환되지 않으므로 설치할 수 없습니다. 사용자 브라우저와 호환되지 않음
Snakes by Bluemods is a free-to-play single player classics arcade game designed and developed by Justin Gates at The game is written in JavaScript and was published on January 1, 2020. The game allows the players to maneuver a snake made up of tiny squares. Snakes by Bluemods features simple old school 8-bit graphics where you can control the snake using the arrow keys. The design of the game is primarly inspired by the Classic SNAKES from NOKIA. In the game as the snake eats its food, which is a green colored dot, it grows in size. The game ends when the snake bits its own body. The player also loses when the snake runs into the screen border, a trail or other obstacle, or itself. Snakes by Bluemods was a major hit right after its release on (A site that shares modified Android application) and within the initial phase, it received over 10,000 downloads.
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