Quick Bookmarks Menu



‪10,000+‬ Users


‪10,000+‬ Users

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Just click on the toolbar button to access your bookmarks.

Main feature:
1. Browse bookmarks with a breadcrumb navigation.
2. Enter a folder when mouse hovering over it automatically.
3. Search bookmarks easily.
4. Set startup folder by clicking current folder title.
5. Hide any items by right clicking on it. (Only hide in Quick Bookmarks Menu)
6. And many other customizations!! Includes horizontal layout, dark mode etc.

Homepage: https://flyhaozi.com/quick-bookmarks-menu
GitHub: https://github.com/flyhaozi/Quick-Bookmarks-Menu

# Changelog ([ver] - yyyy-mm-dd)
[0.6.0] - 2021-10-12
- Add options page.
- Add context menu.
- Add middle button and keep showing customization.

[0.5.2] - 2021-09-28
- Fix horizontal layout not working properly.

[0.5.1] - 2019-09-14
- Rewrite all code for better maintainability.
- New feature: Hide items by right click.

[0.3.4] - 2019-09-06
- Add horizontal scroll layout to display more bookmarks.
- Change: close popup after open bookmarks.
- Fix color theme bugs.

[0.3.3] - 2019-05-08
- Add dark color theme. (auto color theme needs Chrome 76 or later version)

User reviews


Aug 20, 2024
to the developers - even the simplest list display has an option to show the most recent things put in that list. You'd think that the most interesting thing to see would be your most recent bookmarks? Yet, within the impressive options available in this extension, there is nothing/nada/zilch for showing the most recent bookmarks. Hate saying this, but this is almost a no-brainer. I say "almost" bcz, the Big Browser Boys also fall flat in this aspect. NONE of them offer this bookmark option of viewing most recent first. But it such and easy fix! So fix this and I am sure people will love you for doing it.


May 25, 2024
喜欢这种书签管理风格的话,推荐使用 Ease Bookmarks 代替这款。Ease Bookmarks 的使用方式和它完全相同,但在细节上做了许多改动,非常好用!


Mar 25, 2021
Thank you for making this. Lets me work around the new crappy bookmark pop-up in Edge.
Version 0.6.0Updated October 11, 2021Report abuse
Version 0.6.0Updated October 11, 2021Report abuse