Pride – Nonbinary

Microsoft Corporation


671 Users
Microsoft Corporation


671 Users

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Show your colors and personalize Microsoft Edge with the new Pride themes inspired by the many flags of the LGBTQI+ community. The themes change the look and feel of your browser and the new tab page to create an immersive visual Pride experience. You can also apply different themes to each profile to help you easily separate home, school, or work. Make a more colorful statement while you browse with the new Pride themes exclusively available on Microsoft Edge.

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User reviews


Jun 13, 2024
Love the colors. I can appreciate groups adopting peaceful symbols to peacefully express themselves. I like dancing in the elevator by myself and make silly beatbox noises. If I am feeling Froggy, I will throw a few robotic sound effects in to dance to. I am in my 40s. So yeah, if someone wants to use a cool new adjective to describe them, I am down.


Mar 9, 2023
This shows my true side. Being able to show my gender shows a part of me people don't really see! I'm glad I'm not the only one writing a review!! This is a really good LGBTQAI+ for Edge Add-ons!!! KEEP GOING LGBTQI+ COMMUNITY!


Jul 15, 2021
love it! IM KEEPIN IT lol alright but on a more mature note i love it. it makes people feel so much more supported! and if anyone wants to turn it off to the the three dots go to settings and turn it off ^^ love the way microsoft keeps the pride themes after the month!
Version 1.0.1Updated May 28, 2021Report abuse
Version 1.0.1Updated May 28, 2021Report abuse