Prevent Duplicate Tabs



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‪6,000+‬ Users

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Prevents from automatically creating new tabs or repeating tabs when two or more tabs have the same addresses

The process of closing repeated tabs is automatic based on settings that you can determine within the extension/add-on, it is also possible to quickly disable and activate the add-on without having to access the extensions panel.

You can add a host or URL to specify as an exception so that the add-on does not close repeated tabs.

The extension/add-on has support for closing repeated tabs in incognito/anonymous mode, but this works in isolation and will not share any information in anonymous mode with normal mode, being completely separate actions.

Among the configurations you can choose to consider or disregard querystring and hashes in URLs as a factor to differentiate them.

It is also possible to configure whether you prefer to close the oldest tabs and whether you want to prevent the active tab (currently visible) from being closed.

The closing of the tabs works based on events from the Chrome API and you can disable or reactivate such events within the extension/add-on:

# update event - Close repeated tabs when a tab is updated, more details in tabs.onUpdated.addListener
# create event - Close repeated tabs when a new tab is created, more details in tabs.onCreated.addListener
# remove event - Close repeated tabs when a tab is closed, more details in tabs.onRemoved.addListener
# replace event - Close repeated tabs when a tab is replaced with another tab due to prerendering or instant, more details in tabs.onReplaced.addListener

There are also two other events that can be disabled or reactivated that are specific to the extension/add-on:

# start event - Close repeated tabs when your browser is launched
# datachange event - Close repeated tabs when you change Sort order, Events, URLs and Others configurations from extension

User reviews


Dec 3, 2024
While I like the concept there were basically two major drawbacks that forced me to uninstall the extension. First and foremost was that it would occasionally erroneously prevent tabs that were clearly not duplicates from opening requiring me to disable it in order to access sites. Second as somebody else mentioned the tab must fully load before it then closes, so the saving of resources is actually quite minimal if any.


Dec 20, 2023
3 star so far, even though looks great. Here is the thing: So far as testing, it requires a new tab to be totally loaded and then it closed the "other" duplicates. Can there be a feature where it simply knows which tabs are there and take your focus to the tab in question? I have a lot of tabs situated across windows and don't really want to hunt or change the window of docus for my tabs.


Aug 3, 2023
You saved a the day! (Also a lot of computer resources). Exactly what I needed.
Version 0.7.10Updated April 3, 2023Report abuse
Version 0.7.10Updated April 3, 2023Report abuse