Popsicle Sticks - Random student picker



282 Benutzer


282 Benutzer

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Randomly select a student in your class from any tab
Free and ad free!

Popsicle Sticks is an easy way to randomly select a student. After cycling through the class, the names are automatically shuffled again to ensure every student gets a chance to answer.


- "Easy to use"
- "Simple"
- "Useful"
- "I set it up and was using it in about 6 minutes for all my high schoolers."

Other features:

- Add and remove classes/periods
- Add students one at a time or in bulk
- Copy students from existing classes
- Saves history so you can click away
- Pop out mode for easy projecting
- Light and dark mode
- Class and student data synced to your Chrome account
- Download data for backup

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Version 2.0.031. Juli 2023 wurde aktualisiertMissbrauch melden
Version 2.0.031. Juli 2023 wurde aktualisiertMissbrauch melden