Percipio ELSA

Skillsoft Corporation


‪10,000+‬ Users
Skillsoft Corporation


‪10,000+‬ Users

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"Percipio ELSA – Search, discover, and learn in Percipio, the intelligent learning platform, without ever changing screens.

The Percipio Embedded Learning Synchronized Assistant (ELSA) works with your Percipio site. It provides access to Percipio, the award winning intelligent learning platform, via a browser extension. This experience is available for all users throughout the workday, directly in the natural workflow.

Using Percipio ELSA, you can access just in time learning by searching, finding, and watching course and micro-learning videos, reading books, and listening to audiobooks while working in another web application. Percipio ELSA also helps you answer questions and find learning content while you are exploring other websites.

Add Percipio ELSA to your Microsoft Edge browser and start learning today!"

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Version 1.29.1016Updated October 21, 2023Report abuse
Version 1.29.1016Updated October 21, 2023Report abuse