My Waterfalls HD Wallpapers New Tab Theme

Visicom Media Inc.


991 felhasználó
Visicom Media Inc.


991 felhasználó

Ez a bővítmény nem telepíthető, mert nem kompatibilis a böngésző verziójával Nem kompatibilis a böngészővel


★ What is included in our My Waterfalls theme?

This new tab page provides a large variety of high definition wallpapers of beautiful waterfalls. You can shuffle all wallpapers or only your favorites. 

This dashboard provides quick access to your most visited sites, bookmarks, web search using Bing or your favorite engine like Google. It offers articles, theme colors, and quick reminder with To-Do List. Time, date, weather forecast, and even music and games can be shown on My Waterfalls New Tab if you need it. 

You can explore all available themes in our collection by navigating to the theme library, where you can select and change the theme as you please. Your favorite themes will appear next time when you open a new tab.

My Waterfalls New Tab Theme is your gateway to a beautiful journey.

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Verzió: 3.0.16Frissítve: 2022. november 17.Visszaélés bejelentése
Verzió: 3.0.16Frissítve: 2022. november 17.Visszaélés bejelentése