Mokku: Mock API calls seamlessly
Developer tools
Mokku: Mock API calls seamlessly
Crafts1,000+ Users
Developer tools
Crafts1,000+ Users
Developer tools
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Mokku helps user by mocking API and changing their response, response time and status, user can try all test case scenario like long loading time, error states, or any missing or incorrect data. Mokku adds itself as a tab in dev tools as a panel. In the tab, user can see network logs and mocks. Any network call from the logs can be mocked by simply clicking mock button then the response can be edited. User can also search for logs. Mock can also be created from scratch from creating the mock button. All URL's are accessible but Mokku doesn't inject scripts into any pages apart from which are served locally and accessed using 'http://localhost*' until enabled from the Panel. Collections & Dynamic mock generators coming soon! You can submit issues, bugs or feature request at
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