
Mailvelope GmbH


‪50,000+‬ Benutzer
Mailvelope GmbH


‪50,000+‬ Benutzer

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Protect your email communication with end-to-end encryption (PGP). The secure envelope for emails, attachments and files (GDPR).

Mailvelope adds additional controls for secure end-to-end email encryption to your webmail client. Thus Mailvelope makes secure email with PGP easy and convenient - also for technical non-experts. Email attachments can be encrypted with just a few clicks.

Secure sending and receiving of emails is not limited to Mailvelope users. By using open standards, Mailvelope is compatible with all other PGP software. A simple setup process leads you directly to the generation of your own PGP key and automatically stores the public part on the Mailvelope key server. From now on, any other Mailvelope user (and many others) can reach you easily and securely without having to exchange the key beforehand.

- Mailvelope offers consistent end-to-end encryption. All operations necessary for encryption and decryption are conducted on your end device. Therefore even the respective webmail provider will never see your messages in plain text.

- The European GDPR demands strict data protection standards for sending personal information for commercial services. With Mailvelope you can easily comply with these requirements.

- Since Mailvelope is compatible with almost all webmail providers, you don't have to change your email address to be able to communicate easily and securely.
Services like Nextcloud, as well as the email backends of many cloud solutions (Bitrix24, Zoho, etc.) are compatible with Mailvelope and can be activated with a simple click.

- Mailvelope works out of the box with all common webmail providers:

  freenet Mail

  Many other email providers and web applications can be easily activated with a single click. Further information can be found at

Technical background

- Mailvelope is Open Source and based on OpenPGP.js (, an OpenPGP library for JavaScript. The OpenPGP standard (based on PGP, as originally developed by Phil Zimmermann) uses a combination of strong public-key and symmetric encryption to secure electronic communication.

- Thanks to OpenPGP standard compatible with GPG4Win, GPGTools, Enigmail for Thunderbird, Protonmail, OpenKeyChain and many more.

- For both encryption and decryption, Mailvelope does not need the help of a server. Since all encryption operations are performed on your end device, your private key never leaves your end device, as is the case with many popular PGP cloud solutions.
Mailvelope uses a secure editor for entering and displaying your messages which is displayed in a separate browser window. Your email provider will never have access to the plain text of your messages.

- In the years since 2013, Mailvelope has undergone several extensive security audits. A list can be found here:

- For the attack scenario known as "Efail" in 2018, Mailvelope proved to be largely resistant. (See:

- Since Mailvelope is open source software, the source code is open for inspection. This ensures that Mailvelope only does what it is supposed to do.

Source code:
Quick Start Guide:

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22. März 2021
I use mailvelope for browser based email clients with PGP and it works great. The openPGP JS backend is a little limited, but the GnuPG connector is excellent, as you can have a unified key manager on you machine. PGP(GPG) itself is not easy for a beginner, so it is unfair to blame mailvelope for PGP's shortcomings.


25. Sept. 2020
I wanted to send a news tip to the New York Times. The site said "so easy anyone can join in". I am barely computer literate and when instructed to click here to sync up I had no idea the consequences if I adjusted the settings. The NY Times should also know that Mailvelope would probably not tell me how to cut and paste an email I received from my Senator and whether I could legally share it. So no, it's not so easy for anyone to join in. I don't even know if that was your slogan or theirs.
Version 5.2.027. Juni 2024 wurde aktualisiertMissbrauch melden
Version 5.2.027. Juni 2024 wurde aktualisiertMissbrauch melden