Magic Userscript+
MagicOfLolis272명의 사용자
검색 도구
MagicOfLolis272명의 사용자
검색 도구
이 확장은 브라우저 버전과 호환되지 않으므로 설치할 수 없습니다. 사용자 브라우저와 호환되지 않음
Finds available UserScripts and UserStyles for the current webpage, the power of Greasy Fork on the go! * General: * UI designed for mobile and desktop devices * Multiple language support - date formats are based on your current language * Import / export config and theme * Customize theme UI * Query UserScripts and UserStyles from: * Greasy Fork - enabled by default * Sleazy Fork - disabled by default * GitHub (requires Personal Access Token, no permissions are required) - disabled by default * Built-in UserScripts: * GreasyFork Bullshit Filter - disabled by default * Automation: * Fetch on load - query on page load * Blacklist: * Attempts to exclude certain hosts from being queried - localhost, bank, government, etc. * Menu: * Search for UserScripts - for shortcuts see Wiki * Filter UserScripts which do not match your current language * Sort UserScripts, default sorting "Daily Installs" * Preview UserScripts code before install * Save UserScript as a local file * UserScript highlights: * UserScripts created by the author - enabled by default * UserScript recommendations - enabled by default
사용자 리뷰 없음
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