Splunk Search Assistant
Search tools
Splunk Search Assistant
jplasencia25 Users
Search tools
jplasencia25 Users
Search tools
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This extension enables the Ctrl+/ keyboard shortcut to toggle comments on and off in addition to other features. Update 2/4/2025: - Organize snippets with tagging. A snippet can have more than one tag. Makes it easier to find snippets. - Changed the shortcut to save snippets to Ctrl+Shift+C for windows. This is because Edge browser has claimed this key combination for web capture. Update 6/10/24: Added "https://*.splunk.education.com/*" as a supported site for this extension This extension enhances the Splunk SPL search box in the Splunk cloud website. Once installed, it will enable some of the features available in most code editors. This includes: Ability to toggle comments with Ctrl+/: - Toggle a single line by placing the cursor on any position - Toggle multiple lines by selecting all text or part of the text from all lines Fold comments with Ctrl+' (single quote) - Place cursor inside a block comment to fold it. To unfold, click on the unfold icon Show command help with Ctrl+, (comma) -Shows a popup with command help for many commands Save queries with Ctrl+Shift+C or Ctrl+S (mac) - Select the query code you would like to save or save everything in the query box if no selection. Retrieve saved queries with Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+R (mac) Please note, this extension is configured to only work with Splunk cloud and Splunk Education or the following patterns: "https://*.splunk.education.com/*" "https://*.splunkcloud.com/*"
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