*Improve YouTube!* (for YouTube + Videos)



‪20,000+‬ Users


‪20,000+‬ Users

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Youtube Extension. Powerful but lightweight. Enrich your Youtube & content selection. Make YouTube tidy&smart! Layout Filters Shortcuts Adblocker Playlist

Set your YouTube video player, category filter-rules, Layout, tweaks & themes, today & enjoy that for years to come!
With our YouTube extension you have  80+  useful, unique features🧰🔧.
To make your video experience & content discovery a whole lot better & save you a lot of clicks & time.
✔️ Open-source & non-profit since 2012! 
🍃 lightweight & elegant.   ✓ Applies many settings without reload⌛ (unlike other Youtube-Extensions)
✓ Runs offline . ✓ Embedded YouTube & all sites (Facebook, mobile m.youtube, Netflix, Twitch, Vimeo)

🎖️Press Reviews: "Enhances YouTube in meaningful ways"  (5/5⭐ https://www.gHacks.net/2021/03/26/improved-youtube-enhances-youtube-in-meaningful-ways )
We are now  "Recommended by FireFox"!🦊 ONLY 109 extensions🏆)
"Might be the best YouTube Extension Ever" (https://LifeHacker.com/this-might-be-the-only-youtube-browser-extension-youll-1846575110)

⋮⚙️⋮ 80+ features for YT   (some can only be found here, we pioneered🦄)
⏸️ Auto-Pause on other tabs (+ Auto-Play: Off)
🌎 set YouTube language (virtual travel)
🧩⌘+⇧ Shortcuts: Set any Shortcuts / Hotkeys / mouse actions 

📈 Analyse your activity([Subscriptions, Categories]
💡 Video Description: Expand always  
💡 Transcript always
💡 Subtitles captions Layout
💡 Block certain Videos [Channels, Tags, Category]
🎞️ Expand videos to your full window /  🎞️ Resize( Youtube player Size ) /  Auto-fullscreen  

🎨☕ Themes & Dark mode Schedule (also Black theme for oLed) 
Themes: "Black, Plain, Desert, Dawn, Sunset, Night"
🗑️ hide distraction, declutter attention, teaching-screenshare-presentation 
🚫 adblocker  (adblock/adskip, or white-list ads your channel subscriptions)
🗑️ Hide Related YouTube Videos, Comments  🗑️ Header 🗑️ Annotations  
🗑️ Hide, fold, collapse details, live chat, etc. 
🗑️ Overwrite YouTube's Shortcuts 🗑️Hide 

🔍 Watch video frame by frame.
🔄 Reverse Playlist, Shuffle Playlist 

⏯️🔁🔀 Extra Player Buttons (optional):  ➕ Loop / Repeat  ➕ Rotate Video
📷 Screenshot (download print save a video Frame)  
📺 Video Player & Playback Features:

🔊 Fixed Volume or  Loudness normalization  
& Mixer🎛️🔊
💨 Speedwatching (Fixed Default Playback Speed) 

➕ Window Player ➕ Custom Mini-Player
➕ Pip Picture in Picture 
➕ Quality to match your Display or bandwidth  1080p 4k 8k 720p 480p avoiding AV1, 60fbs & HDR. 
➕ H264 codec / VP8 VP9  to speed up & save CPU electricity. (more efficient encoding for most GPUs)
✓ Mimic retro classic YouTube views
➕ "Up Next": Off (Reset YouTube's "Autoplay" after every video ) 
➕ Display dim, Night mode, Blue-light filter (Preserve sleep. Relax eyes)
➕ Toggle Anyhing: YouTube Player Controls, YouTube language,Youtube's "Scroll for details"

ⓘ Official Account: 
🌱👪 ~95 Volunteers. 
🌎 translated to 39+ languages 
(Twitter: @ImprovedTube)  
🔎Found a bug❓🐞🐛
 - If you notice any bug, require help, or wish a new feature🌟🧚, 
please post on Github. Please don't complain downvote easily
We work hard 🏋️👩‍💻 to make your experience a 5/5 Stars experience.
 (also: 📧 ideas@improvedtube.com)
We'd like to team with Developers of YouTube-Extensions (please join us) 
Compatiblility: Mostly.  You simply use anything (Return Dislikes, sponsorblock, extra  adblocker / adskipper)  
You don't need common features (some even just copied our code):   (& YouTube Extensions usually dont need "browser history" permission
("automatic 4K" "auto hd" 'floating' 'cinema theater mode' 'Youtube adblocker' 'magic actions for YouTube Enhancer' 'turn off the lights' 'looper', 'repeater', 'speed controller', 'window expander')

Not affiliated with YouTube.
Independently developed.
Version 4.1187Updated December 27, 2024Report abuse
Version 4.1187Updated December 27, 2024Report abuse