Worship Leader

Worship leader app


‪1,000+‬ Users
Worship leader app


‪1,000+‬ Users

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Christian song books in many languages for your phone or tablet!

App Features:

Worship Leader focuses mainly on minority languages and is not aimed at English language users.
- Worship music in over 60 languages available (see below for examples of the most popular languages)
- English, Turkish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Kurdish, Kazakh (Cyrillic and Arabic), Mongolian, Uyghur (Arabic script) user interfaces
- Search by song number, title or phrase
- Advanced search filtering. Filter by chords, mp3s, sheet music, translations, or search by tag for specific themes for example Christmas or Kids worship
- See translations
- View sheet music offline in the app or download it for over 7500 pieces. Transpose the sheet music automatically
- View and transpose chords
- Over 31600 MP3's available to download, once downloaded they are cached them so you can play them without an internet connection
- Create sets you want for a particular worship event, share them with your fellow musicians
- Easily share individual songs via email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc
- Projection mode for easy projection onto a screen
- iOS, Android, Chrome extension and website version also available with cross-platform set sharing (see https://worshipleaderapp.com)
- Automatically generated OpenSong format song databases for easy projection

Some of our Most Popular Languages and Song Counts:

Some examples of languages currently available in the app:
- Arabic: 10600 and MP3s, 1800 scores
- Russian: 9900 and MP3s, 300 scores which are both interactive and downloadable. Includes Песнь Возрождения and ИМЯ ИИСУСА ПО ВСЕЙ ЗЕМЛЕ 2  song books
- Slovak: 5200 and 200 MP3s. Includes Evanjelicky spevnik, Bratske piesne, BJB Revucka Lehota, Spevnik - 400 krestanskych piesni, Spievajme Hospodinovi, JKS, Haleluja Spevnik, Spevnik Klenovec, Nalaď sa, Chvalte Pana Jezisa, Chvalte Pana Jezisa 2, Spevnicek and SPIEVAJME Hospodinovi novu piesen! song books
- Italian: 4000
- Spanish: 2500 and 250 MP3s. Includes Himnario Evangélico and Cancionero Asamblea Cristiana song books
- Polish: 2500 and 70 MP3s. Includes Pielgrzyma, Głos Wiary, Pieśni Nowego Życia, Wędrowiec, Różnymi Pieśniami and Zborowy song books
- French: 2300 and MP3s, 3900 scores which are both interactive and downloadable. Includes J'aime l'Eternel, Ailes de la Foi, A Toi la Gloire, Louange-Traduction-Composition Asaph and JEM Kids song books
- Turkish: 2000 and MP3s, 600 scores which are both interactive and downloadable. Includes Tanrı'yı Yüceltelim, Bulgaristan Türk İlahi Kitabı and Tanrı'nın Çocuklarıyız song books
- Turkish (Cyrillic script): 2000 and MP3s, 600 scores which are both interactive and downloadable
- Romanian: 1900 and 20 MP3s
- Thai: 1600 and 130 MP3s
- Chinese: 1400. Includes 迦南诗选 song book
- Uzbek (Cyrillic script): 950 and MP3s. Includes Worship Uzbek songs and Ҳамду Сано song books
- Uzbek (Latin script): 950 and MP3s. Includes Qo'shiqlar song book
- Mongolian: 900 and 200 MP3s. Includes Магтаалын дуу song book
- Kazakh: 800 and MP3s. Includes Рухани Әндер Жинағы, Мадақ жырлары жинағы, Үміт Рухани әндер жинағы and Құдайдың алдына келіңдер song books
- Kazakh (Arabic script): 800 and 550 MP3s
- Kazakh (Latin Script): 800 and 550 MP3s
- Kyrgyz: 750 and MP3s. Includes Ала-тоо, таңшы Теңирге and Рухий ырлардын жыйнагы song books
- Kyrgyz (Arabic script): 750 and 450 MP3s
- Telugu: 750
- Ukrainian: 750 and MP3s, 50 scores which are both interactive and downloadable
- English: 700 and MP3s, 250 scores and 600 interactive scores. Includes Open Hymnal song book
- Hungarian: 700 and 350 MP3s. Includes Szent András Énekfüzet, Áldjad, én lelkem, az Urat! (Sárga könyv), Szent Ferenc Antióchia énekeskönyv, Énekelj az Úrnak! (Kék könyv), DÚR könyv and Szentlélek, jöjj! (Zöld könyv) song books
- Hausa (Nigeria, Chad): 650 and MP3s. Includes Littafin Wakoki and Hausa Yara song books
- Tajik: 600 and MP3s, 300 scores. Includes Хазинаи дил, Сурудномаи "Чашмаи Ҳаёт" and Чашма song books
- Hakha Chin (Burma): 550. Includes Chin Hymnal song book
- Norwegian: 550 and 20 MP3s. Includes Rising Tabernakel song book
- Finnish: 350
- Uyghur (Arabic script): 300 and MP3s
- Uyghur (Cyrillic script): 250 and MP3s. Includes Мәдһийә нахшилири, Ибадәт нахшилири and Муһәббәт җамаити (голубая книга) song books
- Turkmen (Cyrillic script): 200 and 100 MP3s, 10 scores which are both interactive and downloadable
- Turkmen (Arabic script): 200 and 100 MP3s, 10 scores which are both interactive and downloadable
- Turkmen (Latin script): 200 and MP3s, 10 scores and 30 interactive scores. Includes Nagmeler song book
- Tatar: 180 and 100 MP3s
- Azerbaijani: 160 and MP3s
- Azeri (Cyrillic script): 160 and MP3s
- Dari: 160 and 50 MP3s
- Afrikaans: 150 and MP3s, 30 scores which are both interactive and downloadable
- Czech: 140 and 20 MP3s. Includes Zpevnik Mladez song book

Please contact us for access to the central database allowing you to upload your own songs and update others.

Download many more resources from our website at https://worshipleaderapp.com


Whilst we try our hardest to ensure that all lyrics and recordings are either public domain or licensed for our use we may occasionally make mistakes in the vetting process. If you believe that we have made a mistake regarding the legal availability of any song lyrics or recordings, please contact us at info@worshipleaderapp.com

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Version 9.6.5Updated March 29, 2020Report abuse
Version 9.6.5Updated March 29, 2020Report abuse