EDGE Assistant
EDGE Assistant
Stevie Barre & Mat Davis161 Users
Stevie Barre & Mat Davis161 Users
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An extension to fill in EDGE database cost input forms. This extension works with the EDGE online research database to help fill in cost forms in the finance pages. By default, although a "select all" option exists to add all costs from the template at once, the mandatory date field must be completed by hand by typing, using date pickers or copy-pasting each date - this can be time-costly when some templates may have a hundred line items. This extension populates the date fields with either today's date or a user-entered date, adds invoice numbers, can convert cost items to income items and deals with missed visits. As is normal, only line items where the checkbox is ticked on the form will be saved, so individual items can be included or excluded as normal. The extension also addresses an issue where the cost dialog boxes can be too small to show all fields if a long analysis code is entered. This is addressed by automatically resizing the form to show all fields when the form is filled.
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