Discount Calculator
추천LinangData1,000+명의 사용자
LinangData1,000+명의 사용자
이 확장은 브라우저 버전과 호환되지 않으므로 설치할 수 없습니다. 사용자 브라우저와 호환되지 않음
A basic caculator that allows you to calculate price reductions and tips with a single click. As a buyer, it works as a sale price calculator to see a final price after you factor in a discount-perhaps from that 20% price off coupon you have. You can compare the reduced price and the amount of money you save. The Calculator calculates tip amounts for common percentages of the service cost. It also gives a total that includes the tip. Keyboard Shortcuts: - Number Pad or 0-9 for Number Entry - Equals (= or Enter) - Clear ("c") - Del or Backspace to delete - Divide (/) - Times (*) - Minus (-) - Plus (+) - Percent (F1) (for example, 50%20 means 20 percent of 50:) - Square Root (F2) - +/- (F3) - Decimal point (Period) - Copy (Ctrl-c) - Close Window (ESC or click in main tab) Changes: - Update to manifes V3
사용자 리뷰 없음
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