FeaturedDon Johnston Incorporated100,000+ Users
Don Johnston Incorporated100,000+ Users
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Co:Writer® Universal Extension for Microsoft Edge helps you write with proper grammar and spelling using topic-specific vocabulary. It integrates with the Edge browser for word prediction just about anywhere you write online including Microsoft Word, Google Drive™, blogs, Learning Management Systems, testing, social networks, and email. Try it for free and see if it works for you. Pricing and more information can be viewed at How Does Co:Writer Work? As letters are typed, Co:Writer predicts the intended word with a selection of word suggestions using powerful grammar-smart word prediction. These suggestions can be read aloud by moving the cursor over the words. Selecting the intended word places it into the built-in writing document. For feedback while writing (and after writing) built-in text to speech can be used to read letters, words, sentences, and any selected text. 4+ Million Topic-Specific Dictionaries: Co:Writer has access to a main prediction dictionary (that includes core words) and Topic Dictionaries (that includes topic specific words). Co:Writer can access over 4 million topic-specific dictionaries which are activated based on the writing task. A small sampling of the variety of topic dictionaries: ✔ America's Cup ✔ Compare and Contrast ✔ Dinosaurs ✔ Grumpy Cat ✔ History of the Peloponnesian War ✔ Mahatma Gandhi ✔ My Dog ✔ Pig Latin ✔ SpongeBob SquarePants ✔ Tommy (album) ✔ Wonders of the World Spelling Support: Co:Writer uses Flexspell™ technology to handle the widest range of spelling mistakes including phonetic spelling and inventive spelling errors (letter omissions, word ending omissions, letter reversals, etc). Examples of how Co:Writer aides with phonetic and/or inventive spelling: Before Co:Writer: The blk jargon flu over the bra lfnt. R u hpy to ce me? I no hw to nor the fone. After Co:Writer: The black dragon flew over the gray elephant. Are you happy to see me? I know how to answer the phone. Grammar Support: Co:Writer bases its prediction on proper grammar, and uses its understanding of grammar to accurately predict words within the framework of valid sentence structures. Examples of how Co:Writer aides with grammar: Dogs are furry. (noun, verb, adj.) - When you typed d-o, you get plural noun choices Three very mangy dogs ran down the street. (adj., adv., adj., noun, verb… etc.) - After typing three, very, mangy, you get plural noun choices, then you get plural verb tenses.
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