Checker Plus for Gmail™
精選Jason Savard100,000+ 使用者
Jason Savard100,000+ 使用者
無法安裝此延伸模組,因為它與您的瀏覽器版本不相容 與您的瀏覽器不相容
可在 Microsoft Edge 側邊欄內開啟此擴充功能。在側邊欄中開啟擴充功能可讓您在並排檢視中進行瀏覽及存取。
不需打開網頁就能收信、閱讀、聆聽和刪除信件,並可輕鬆管理多個帳戶。 • The fastest and easiest way to manage multiple email accounts • 5 star extension with great reviews! • Trusted developer of many extensions • 1 million satisfied users worldwide • Lots of features, options and updates • Extensive FAQs and personal tech support with very quick responses • Safer. Requires minimal permissions and only access to Google Mail's website Click "Website" or visit for more info. • Extra features are available upon contributing "any" amount. • I'll add your suggestions • See the people emailing you just like in the Gmail chat notification, with an option to show their contact photos or your assigned photos for them. • Voice notification: If you get an email while you're busy watching a movie or cooking dinner this extension can optionally read it out loud ie. "Jason says, dinner at my place". It's great for the visually impaired. • Option to monitor any Gmail or custom labels • Option to run in this notifier in the background when the browser is closed and still get new email alerts • Popup mail preview window to read, archive, mark as read or delete emails without leaving the current tab (or option to go directly to your Gmail tab) • Supports the offline view • Desktop sound or voice notifications when new mail arrives (or add your own sounds) • Support for multiple Gmail and Google Apps accounts • You change the generated voice by adding TTS (text to speech) voice extensions Changelog:
回應來自 Jason Savard
回應來自 Jason Savard