Adblock Plus - 무료 광고 차단

eyeo GmbH


‪10,000,000+‬명의 사용자
eyeo GmbH


‪10,000,000+‬명의 사용자

이 확장은 브라우저 버전과 호환되지 않으므로 설치할 수 없습니다. 사용자 브라우저와 호환되지 않음


Download Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge from the world’s most popular ad-blocking extension, Adblock Plus. It’s free and open-source. Improve the quality of your online experience and get more control!

What’s in the free version:
- Block annoying ads and pop-ups
- Block intrusive YouTube™ ads
- Improve page loading times
- Fight off harmful "malvertisement"
- Stop tracking and get more privacy

NEW! Upgrade to Adblock Plus Premium and say goodbye to additional annoyances like floating videos, newsletter pop-ups, and other distractions. Get a monthly or a yearly subscription, or stick to the free version and get the same ad blocking quality millions of users love.

In addition to our free features, Adblock Plus Premium allows you to:
- Block site notifications
- Stop floating videos
- Hide newsletter pop-ups
- Ignore survey requests
- More features coming soon!

Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge is the perfect way to experience the internet as it should be, with less interruption and more peace of mind.

Using Adblock Plus is easy: after installing, check the ABP icon to see how many ads you've blocked, or to change your settings, or report an error.
Adblock Plus utilizes Acceptable Ads (AA) ( by default, in order to support websites that rely on advertising revenue yet take into account the customer experience by creating non-intrusive ads. If you do not wish to see Acceptable Ads, this can be turned off at any time:

사용자 리뷰


2025년 3월 21일
Works well enough, except for YouTube constantly updating.

응답한 개발자 eyeo GmbH

2025년 3월 25일
We're aware that YouTube has been intermittently testing strategies to show either ads or their anti-adblocking wall. However, in some cases we've found that your settings might have changed which is why ads are suddenly appearing. Please try the steps in this article: If those steps don't help, please submit a support request and we'll be happy to assist you:


2025년 3월 20일
I keep changing the setting to let it block ads on YT, but it keeps turning itself off when I refresh. I checked the extension options, and YouTube is listed as an allowlisted website. I delete it, refresh and it is listed again.


2025년 3월 15일
Im using APB for 10 yrs free version and i never got dissapointed, so developers thank you.

응답한 개발자 eyeo GmbH

2025년 3월 18일
Thank you so much for your review, it menas a lot to us!
세부 사항
버전 4.18.0업데이트된 2025년 3월 25일신고하기
세부 사항
버전 4.18.0업데이트된 2025년 3월 25일신고하기